Join the UA

Why Choose a Union?

We get it done right the first time. When you choose to have your job done by the UA, you choose to work with the best in the piping industry. Today’s Mechanical contractor must to be multi faceted in their approach to working with their clients. The UA recognizes this and has built our organization to support the contract across a wide range of jobs in all sectors, Industrial, Commercial, Institutional and Residential.

In the past, Union work was relegated to large scale projects. This type of exclusionary thinking does not work in today’s economic landscape. We continue to work with our contractors to deliver into markets that were traditionally the work of the non-union contractors by continuing to deliver the quality the UA is known for combined with the flexibility the contractors need.

We recognized, and responded to our Contractors concerns regarding the widening gap in wages for Union vs. Non-union skilled trades. As a result, we developed a Market Recovery Fund for Stabilization. This Fund provides financial assistance to our Contractors during the tender process allowing a more competitive advantage.

The United Association can work with you in all stages of your successful project, from tender to substantial completion, and beyond, with practical maintenance and service Agreements that can be tailored to your circumstance.

Your UA Business Manager is the best source for a solution for your specific needs
just call. Join UA to work with Canada's Best!   Link to
Must provide, at the time of application, proof of such education in the form of a High School transcript or Equivalency (GED) certificate.


Important: Read the instructions and requirements below to ensure you will be able to apply when the time comes.

Must be at least 18 years of age.
Must be legally entitled to work in Canada.
Must have successfully completed a minimum Grade 12 education, including Grade 12 math
Must provide, at the time of application, proof of such education in the form of a High School transcript or Equivalency (GED) certificate.

Note: Applicants are responsible for removing all information on education proof that relates to: race, ancestry, place of origin, creed, sex, sexual orientation, age, record of offenses, marital status, family status and disabilities.


How to apply:

Our applicant testing is now online with our testing partner Orderline.
You can take the aptitude test anytime by clicking on the below link and following the instructions.

After applying:
Only the applicants with the passing scores on the Mechanical Aptitude test will have their applications reviewed and possibly selected for an interview.

Those applicants selected from the interviews must attend a mandatory safety training session. After the training session is completed, probationary apprentices will be placed on a list to be dispatched as work becomes available. If you are accepted for an apprenticeship, you will be required to:

Serve your apprenticeship hours, including the probationary period.
Be punctual and maintain a good attendance record on the job.
Provide own transportation to and from job sites.
Work under the direction of a Journeyperson on the job site and safely perform duties.
Training will include three sessions of Provincial trade school, and a minimum of 60 hours a year of Local 527 JTC Training.
Maintain an acceptable average in all classes.
Abide by all rules and regulations of the Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee.

During an apprenticeship, mandatory courses are offered at our union hall in the evenings, and weekends.
During Trade School, each apprentice may be eligible for unemployment benefits, supplementary unemployment benefits from the Union, and the Apprenticeship Training Grant from the Government.

Apprentice wages are based on a percentage of the current Journeyman’s base rate:
1st year = 40% 2nd year = 50% 3rd year = 60% 4th year = 70% 5th year = 80%
Health & Welfare Benefits:
Medical & Dental Coverage
Accidental Death insurance Prescription Eyeglasses (plus safety glasses)
Long Term Disability insurance Life Insurance
Supplementary Unemployment Benefits

Join the UA


UA Solidarity - Statement from General President McManus

Click here to read a statement from General President McManus.


Local 527 Newsletter Winter 2024

Click here to view the Winter 2024 Newsletter 


Holiday Observance

Click here for the Statutory Holiday schedule. 


Santa Claus Parade

UA Local 527 sponsored the Lions Club's annual Santa Claus Parade this year.


Level Up

UA Local 527 showing off the skills and teaching tomorrow’s trades at level up in Windsor.  


United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada or "UA" as it is commonly known is a multi-craft union whose members are engaged in the fabrication, installation and servicing of piping systems.


225 Frobisher Drive Waterloo, ON N2V 2G4
Phone: 519-746-3300
Fax: 519-746-7660

331 Sovereign Rd. London, ON N6M 1A6.
Phone: 519-746-3300
Fax: 519-659-7831

3429 St. Etienne Blvd. Windsor, ON N8W 5B1
Phone: 519-746-3300
Fax: 519-946-9996


Although it is true that only about 20 percent of American workers are in unions, that 20 percent sets the standards across the board in salaries, benefits and working conditions. If you are making a decent salary in a non-union company, you owe that to the unions. One thing that corporations do not do is give out money out of the goodness of their hearts.

MOLLY IVINS, attributed, "Labor's Fight is OUR Fight", Campaign for America's Future

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